The Healing Heart
Dancing with the Dragon; hidden energetics; the new collection, book release & gallery

Dancing with the Dragon
As we move into 2024 and stand on the edge of the year of the Dragon, there is great expansion into the multi-dimensional planes where elementals, earth energies and galactic energetics are merging realities. As a sensitive who has long interacted and moved within these dimensions and gateways, I’m seeing that this year of the Dragon will hold more memory and clarity than most. It whispers that power is a choice, and to understand that when you reach for it, there will be an unrealized foundation that was always beneath your feet.
Nearly two decades ago I met the dragon that walks with me. I always appreciate the confirmations that accompany strange and magical encounters. Even as I would have to admit I actually find them more “normal” than the dark and controlled daily life most humans are sleepwalking through.
I had just moved into a rental house with a huge great room that included 2-story vaulted ceilings. It was the perfect place to hold metaphysical classroom training and circles for up to 17 students in mediumship, altered state work, meditation and more. My companion was a beautiful collie/German Shepard mix dog named “Toby” that I adopted from the rescue shelter. He worked in the classroom circles as well, and provided incredible confirmation for the students as he tracked and responded to the non-physical Guides who would appear.
In the evenings, in the strange energies of the new house, spirit would build and move to prepare for deep trance classes or just to meet my daily needs. I noticed that this also seemed to include fending off negative planetary and house-residue energies. On some nights it would make Toby incredibly nervous; while on others it was fascinating just to watch him attentively follow the guides around from room to room as they worked. On one night in particular, I had the opportunity to work with the energy of Dragon, but the appearance of the 25-foot tall creature sent Toby racing to hide in the guest bedroom. It was a magical night as music played, and I danced. With Toby peaking around the corner from the hallway. “Can you believe what you signed up for buddy…?” I would ask him on less than quiet nights while we hugged and watched the show.
This wouldn’t be my only encounter with this powerful creature. For anyone who walks with Dragon energy, you are likely aware that they are protectors. And at one point when I needed Guide assistance to halt someone from inappropriately accessing me on the alternate planes, my Dragon was the one who stepped in, closed the portal, and ended it.
If you have an interest in exploring these encounters and how the path unfolded in more detail, I encourage you to read my book 12 Tribes Rising from Eternity’s Fire. (The e-book is included in Gateway Subscriptions). I bring this up now, because the psychic and inter-dimensional planes are opening. Even those who have never had these types of experiences will now find their world changing. I share my experiences to assist others in navigating the process.
Realization of the Energetics
Around 2006, after an introduction to acrylic painting, I experienced a nearly continual flow of inspiration to create. Looking back I would definitely call it an irresistible impulse. Music, dancing, color and flow through altered state. My first painting was done upside down with no idea it would become the Blue Phoenix. A few months later I would stand in a small extra bedroom in my home surrounded by paintings on every wall. I completed one, and then was shocked when I came to look at it the next morning. I couldn’t even remember how they came into being. I would stare at it and wonder…. did I paint that?
I loved this room. It actually hummed with such high vibrational energy that sitting and meditation was amazing. I assumed this was because of the wonderful nature-connection the window over the treetops outside provided. But at one point a situation arose and I decided to temporarily assist a woman that needed a place to live. I removed all of the paintings for those months, and after she left, I discovered the magical vibrations of the room were gone.
I look back on the fact that it never occurred to me that it was the paintings creating the high vibrations. It would forever remind me of the learning curve the humans have when they don’t have metaphysical training. And it’s also another reminder that people learn best by experiencing for themselves.
As you may have guessed I cleaned out the room, put all of the paintings back up on the walls, and the incredible energetics and portals of the paintings were dizzying in the dramatic and wonderful difference. I stood at the time in surprise…. oh my gosh…it’s the PAINTINGS that are humming!
Ever since this lesson, I truly understand the gift of what is channeled through when I paint. A good reminder for anyone that their own creativity contributes magic to the world as well.
Since the creation of those original paintings, there have been others. Less in quantity and spread out in creation as I navigated many other necessary experiences on my life path. But to my surprise at the turning point into 2024, my Guide team said…. No effort is ever wasted, its time has come.
I considered this.
Had we really channeled though that incredible array of paintings years in advance of when they would be sent out into the world with purpose?
The reply I got back was a resounding yes, followed by a list of instructions... A new online Gallery platform; published as a collection internationally in a printed book; and soon to be merged into a deck of Tarot/Oracle cards.
It’s to be named The Healing Heart Collection, because it was created to assist in the opening and final healing of the heart centers at both planetary and personal levels. The earth will not go on as it has in the past. This is a great opportunity to bring an end to cycles of pain.
So, I’m excited to share this collection of (27) paintings on the new gallery platform; as well as the published book which released on February 10th at the starting date of this powerful year of the Dragon. Thank you to everyone who participated in the celebration drawing for giveaway gifts. It was fun to send prints out to to England, Australia and the United States.
I invite you to explore the Gallery and enjoy the journey of meeting and merging with these energetics to see how they might speak to you.
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