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Ask Aleiya

An Invitation to the ongoing Q&A with Aleiya and the Guides that gives you the opportunity to expand your personal toolbox of solutions

Ask Aleiya

Do you have a question you would like to ask Aleiya and her Guide team about the things you see going on out in the world? Or perhaps you have a situation that you're facing and are unsure how to navigate it? Aleiya is expanding the Gateway to offer the opportunity for anyone that may have a question to ask it in this ongoing Q&A post. Simply put your question in the comments below to possibly be drawn from as the basis of a channeled discussion with the Guides that will then be shared out to the community.

As Aleiya’s schedule allows, topics will be chosen and elevated to an expansive discussion that can be applied to everyone, while at times still touching in on the more pin-point elements of your question. You are encouraged in your questions to consider your topic selection from this more global viewpoint, even as you may describe the more personal aspects of the situation.

Please keep your question and description brief (a few sentences). Aleiya will not respond directly in the comments, but keep an eye out for future posts that may encompass the answers and guidance designed to assist you on your path. This ongoing Q&A section is open to anyone in the Gateway community to ask a question, and for those selected, the responding posts and channeled discussions will be available to paid subscribers only to assure the most protective environment.

the Dendera Gateway
Knowledge segments by topic, energy/astrology forecasts, and solutions for planetary change to assist in understanding the effect of global power dynamics.