Expansion in Energetics & Purpose into 2025
Access and action ~ recognition of resources and high-speed information

I stood looking out across the vast expanse of the tarmac, runways and mountain ranges surrounding the Anchorage airport. It was winter in Alaska. I was on my way back from a necessary personal trip to the lower 48 states. The long flight from Seattle had been nothing but cold, crowded and a test to manage the nauseating turbulence. Flying commercial with the public was even less enjoyable now that I was used to flying in the cockpit with a search and rescue aircrew. Or standing in air station operations with a constant feed off military resources and information. Because while everyone knows to plan for extra overnights in Anchorage waiting out wind, ice and storms; I now felt the ridiculous deficit of using the weather channel app on my phone to try to figure out what decision the pilots of my flight were making right now. The Aero weather app was a bit more helpful. If wind speed was gusting over or around 30-mph my flight wouldn’t take off. But I couldn’t see the ground crew or ice situation here on the Anchorage runway nor in Kodiak. It’s no joke living on an island in the Gulf of Alaska. They name storm systems and get all excited in the lower 48 states when weather systems with 25 or more mph winds are forecasted. In Alaska, arctic hurricanes are the norm. They don’t bother to name them. It’s windy on the island for more days than not, even in the summer months. Delays in food-by-barge delivery and cancelled flights are also the norm nearly year-round.
My Guides reminded me that as their communications consultant I had the air station operations desk on speed dial. I was part of their team and well known by the officers, command and aircrews. But since I was not on a direct mission or calling in to check the status of our flight operations or a search and rescue case, I was hesitating to reach out. After another hour of sitting in the waiting room in frustration with no information from the airline, I hit the call button. And within a few minutes I knew the pilot’s next-level weather forecasting, runway conditions, and what decisions command was making as go-or-no-go for non-emergency flights. I respectfully thanked the officer for his assistance. I was glad that he was someone I knew well and had a good relationship with. And when I apologized for calling for personal reasons, he said very supportively and emphatically…. “You did the right thing by calling here. Your job in any situation is to identify and use absolutely every resource and information avenue you have access to, to navigate and make decisions for best accuracy and safety.”
This was a clairvoyant flash and whisper from the universe that was sent as a reminder through my awareness this past month as I considered how I should proceed with the Dendera Gateway heading into 2025. The turn of the year always brings a review, but this time period is next-level in deciding if and how I want to participate publicly going forward given that we can visibly see the fall of governments accelerating. In the month of December 2024 the governments of Syria, Germany and France all collapsed. Others like Canada and South Korean saw upheaval, leadership resignations, demonstrations, martial law declaration attempts (South Korea). And from an astrological standpoint, Neptune ended retrograde December 7th. Mercury, Mars and Chiron also transiting thru retrograde with Uranus and Jupiter close to follow on January 30, 2025 and February 4, 2025 respectively. Then Venus on March 1st. Huge revisions and reviews are underway in addition to many of the outer planets moving to change signs. And these outer planets move slowly. They represent generational change and in historical analysis are now shifting into signs that in our recent past included uprisings such as the French and American Revolutions.
So yes, my question to my Guide team was a review of purpose and participation. You have likely been feeling the push to do this as well in many areas of your life if you are paying attention. This is decision-making not of the old metaphysical schooling of “go try to figure out your purpose” as if it’s all planned out for you and you don’t get a vote. I used to love the happy-ending-Disney-version of destiny they sold us regularly. And to be clear, I’m not discounting the amazing possibilities and potentially wonderful scheduled events our souls set us up for. But I am cognizant that the power runs through us directly. We must make the choices about participation. And the pieces of guidance I was given were in alignment with what felt accurate to me.
Flow and be willing to make changes to the platform as new information and situations arise.
That meant starting with a post review and removal of a small handful of them from the Unraveling of Deceptions Series. Why? Because in January 2025 a regime change has just occurred in the United States. As my Guides shared much earlier in 2024… They are no longer going to pretend this is a democracy. And that will bring peaks and valleys in behaviors, changes in the law and other chaos points I have no intention of directly taking on.
Use the Gateway to provide direct crisis-point information and ongoing updates for major issues that are brought to your attention and that are directly affecting those who choose to follow along. This gives them the opportunity to make changes to uplift and protect themselves rather than wait for cascading events. In each event, give them both the facts and the solutions to remedy if they choose. Continuing to remind them there is no separation between their powerful metaphysical selves and their daily interactions. It is a merge into practical metaphysics and awareness that can overcome old fear-based controls and programming.
What that conversation went on to remind me of was a discussion we had years ago when I was frustrated and felt I was wasting my time and during which many of my beginner students exhibited bad behaviors. As well as the knowledge that the public and masses are working at or below the equivalent of elementary-middle school dynamics. And this wasn’t said to put them down. It was to point out to me that kindergarten teachers do what they can and move on. They don’t get to see the advancements and growth, and how information provided might later be remembered and used. So, it is with that level of detachment I need to now drop in key information and then separate myself from how it goes.
As with anything we choose to share or engage in, especially at this time, you are likely feeling a knowingness that we have brought the humans as far as we can go. They always had the opportunity to make heart-centered decisions. But it’s not our job to get caught up in the now cascading turmoil of their rejection of taking heart-centered action.
So, to finish my point, you can expect updates and information on any array of topics. Metaphysical, astrological, channeled messages merged with news events. And if it’s a “news event” you can count on it being of direct importance for safety, daily awareness and decision making. I hesitated to do this because I felt people are overwhelmed by the magnitude of realizations being surfaced at this time. Which is true. But it was pointed out to me that flowing with critical awareness and information gathering is part of my role here. I merge the mystic with the investigator with the communications specialist in direct operations. I can analyze, deconstruct, build or rebuild any group, system or organization. My incredibly diverse “resume” in the human world brought me into the circles of a great many different areas on the earth plane. And that knowledge of how systems and organizations work, added to expansive metaphysical knowledge, is exactly what I am here to do…. if I choose.
I share this to equally let you know how I’m going to proceed at this time in offering the gateway; as well as to hopefully snap you out of your “I don’t know how to figure out what I’m supposed to do in this life” mind trap. LOOK at how I put my own pieces together. Notice how flow and changing tides are part of my ongoing decision-making process. In addition to determined and absolute self-care and a refusal to participate in anything that includes negative behaviors. I have days, for sure, when I need to turn the world off and ignore current events. But I don’t bury my head in the sand and pretend a monumental shift isn’t occurring in the world that it would be unrealistic to ignore. Because I have a front row seat to watching people who say “I absolutely refuse to watch or pay attention to the news…” missing huge opportunities. They don’t have the information they need to navigate away from or around things that are poisoning them (literally or figuratively). They have cut themselves off from community and connectivity. They ask the universe to send them a solution and then turn off or restrict the avenues they could have received through.
I recently I shared a post to the 430+ in my neighborhood Facebook group with an indoor hydroponic gardening solution. Because there were many empty grocery store shelves for a week or more after Thanksgiving, and that is before the 2025 threatened tariffs on goods and supply chain issues I anticipate. I also shared because there have been an increasing number of food poisonings and deaths from both regular and organic products including cucumbers and baby carrots. So, using a 2-foot x 2-foot square space in your house to grow your own greens to easily feed a family of four daily, and increasing self-sufficiency is more than a hobby at this point. It is quickly becoming a potential life-or-death solution. And that doesn’t include the new information surfacing about toxic farmland and water supply.
The response I got was the usual. One person commented, seven or eight hit the like button. The rest didn’t want to deal with it. Yep, I get that everyone is overwhelmed. And my Guides reminded me that while they are ignoring the information now, there will come a time for some of them when it pings in their memory as they are faced with illness or a crisis. Because as always, metaphysically speaking, if information is brought into our awareness and our soul is trying to get our attention, things can escalate quickly. But when we respond ahead of the curve and set up a pattern of more immediately responding, then support becomes an easier, continual flow.
To give you an example of this from just the last month…
I use the streaming service for some important program viewing on HBO Max. Though they have way too many violent movies and television shows, they also have comedy and information that is necessary for my well-being. Reruns of The Big Bang Theory; Friends; and Young Sheldon are mindless comedies to shift out of darkness and relax while I eat meals. And as we have discussed, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is one of the best investigative reporting news sources to assist anyone in realizing how organizations and systems are doing direct harm in the world (also mixed with comedy).
I have been logging in with an account gifted to me by a past client who doesn’t use it, and I remember a ping of awareness recently where I wondered how it was still working after a couple of years. A few days later my AT&T mobile phone bill arrived. I was super irritated to see it had gone up another $5 per month with no explanation. I pay for the premium service because it solves multiple problems. It has an Active Armor blocker that stops spam calls that works well, and the hot spot data plan is extensive enough so that when the local internet service goes out, I can use my cell phone, tablet, etc. to become my Wi-Fi connection for laptops or wall TV. (Yep, I always have a backup plan given the volatile nature of things right now.)
My call to customer service yielded a $5 credit on my account, and the bad news I was stuck with the rate increase. But what would become apparent within 24 hours was that it was a set-up by my Guides to support me. Because in the middle of the annoying sales pitch by the AT&T agent over chat encouraging me to change my plan, I was given the information on how to use the already included account benefit for my own access to HBO Max. So, will you be surprised at this point when I tell you that the very next day my old client login was shut down? And because I paid attention and gathered the instructions and information on the AT&T interaction, I already had my solution.
That is how this game works if you are participating in partnership with expanded awareness.
If you don’t already have a membership to the Dendera Gateway, I invite you to join us as we traverse global events together, including solutions and awareness of the amazing positive groups and advancements going on around the world that you will rarely hear about from the fear-based mass media.
The majority of the extensive and detailed information provided will be for subscribers only. This is appropriate now for both my well-being and to honor the many hours it takes to gather and provide this information. To assist you financially there is also the option for a 10% discount available for those who select the annual vs. the monthly subscription; and current monthly subscribers have the option to upgrade to take advantage of this discount. Membership to the Gateway comes with additional benefits including free audio programs and a copy of my e-book 12 Tribes Rising from Eternity’s Fire.
I and my Guides wish you expanded wellness, safe journeys and magical creativity in 2025 ~ Aleiya

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